Aonghus Hoole

Aonghus Hoole was born and trained in England. Where he trained at The Royal Ballet School and The English National Ballet School. He went on to perform in varying classical and contemporary companies around Europe and Israel. Such as Birmingham Royal Ballet, Zürich and Zürich Junior Ballet, Croation National Ballet Zagreb, Kamea dance Company, Jerusalem Dance theatre and Graz Oper Tanz Kompanie to name a few. Where he performed roles in varying levels. He also had the chance to swing dance in Australien Dance theatres European tours in 2008 and 2009 for the production of G by Garry Stewart.  

In 2021 he completed his MA Dance, Teaching and Coaching Dance Professionals at Zürcher Hochshule der Künste. During his studies he completed his internship at the Bern Ballet where he assisted the staging of the Piano Chapters Program staging the pieces by Estefania Miranda, Brian Arias and Edward Clug. 

He has worked in varying pre-professional programs in Austria and Israel during his dance career. Also helped to stage the Centre and It’s opposite by Garry Stewart in West Australian Ballet in 2011. He has also taught company classes and professional classes during his time in Israel and Switzerland. 


Dmitry Khamzin


Anna Khamzina